Our Lady of the Assumption /
St John the Evangelist


The Catholic Women's League of Canada
is a national organization rooted in Gospel values
calling its members to holiness
through service to the People of God.

The Catholic Women's League of Canada calls its members to grow in faith, and to witness to the love of God through ministry and service. The Catholic Women's League of Canada is a national organization of women who are Catholic and living it!

Core Values:

Faith – following Catholic teaching
Service – local, national, international
Social Justice – actively involved in society

Core Purpose

Uniting Catholic women to grow in faith and to promote social justice through service to the church, Canada and the world.

In our parish, the first CWL was established at St. John the Evangelist, Keene in 1923. Under the leadership of Father Christopher McCarney the Keene CWL was reorganized in 1948 and a league was established at Our Lady of the Assumption in 1949. The two leagues amalgamated in the early 1960s.

Today it is still a very active League with over 90 members.

2023 & 2024 Executive
Spiritual Advisor: Monsignor Michael Heffernan  
Past President: Joanne Bolton  
President: Anna Marie Bolin  
Vice President: Vacant  
Secretary: Jean Hall  
Treasurer: Barb Lynch  
Faith Chairperson: Ruth Ciraulo  
Service Chairperson: Ruth Ciraulo  
Social Justice Chairperson: Valerie Collicutt  

2024 – 2025 Theme Here I am Lord, Send me Isiah 6:8


For more information on the CWL

Peterborough Diocese:

CWL Fashion Show benefiting Hospice

In April, 2017 our CWL held a Fashion Show called Step Into Spring, which featured clothing from Fashion Plus worn by our own CWL ladies.  All proceeds were donated the the Hospice Peterborough Campaign for Palliative Care.

CWL Fashion Show

On Wednesday evening, April 20, 2016 our CWL held a Fashion Show for the parish members, family and friends. Gladys Fowler and Mary Pat Goodridge organized the show with fashions from Northern Reflections. Eight of the CWL ladies were kind enough to be the models. Teresa, Noreen, Jean, Rita, Christine, Sandra, Diane and Mary Pat did a wonderful and professional job; with a little humour thrown in for a laugh or two.

All proceeds and donations were for Hospice Peterborough. Almost 120 tickets at $5 each were sold plus a generous $93.00 was donated.


Fashion Show floor set up crew


Anna Marie and Dolly helping to set up


Show Models


President Anna Marie greeting attendees


Stage set up Crew


Diane at the refreshment table

Honouring a Member

CWL - ill Larocque honours Jean Malloy

Jill Larocque honours Jean Malloy

On June 3rd 2012, the CWL members honoured one of their long term members who celebrated her 100th birthday on August 3rd.  Jean Malloy has been active in the parish for many years.  In her 99th year Jean was still making pies for the parish supper and the CWL bazaar.

Past Presidents

CWL - Past Presidents

Past Presidents

CWL Plaque Unveiling

On Sunday June 3rd 2012, the Catholic Women's League of Our Lady to the Assumption and St. John the Evangelist Keene honoured the ladies of the League who have served the parish over the last 64 years.  The CWL began in Keene in 1948 and at Assumption in 1949 with Father Christopher McCartney as spiritual advisor.  In the 1960s the two leagues amalgamated.

At the 9:00 a.m. Mass, Father Joseph Devereaux spoke of the service of these women to the parish.  He unveiled the plaque that has been installed in the parish hall  The plaque has an oak tree in relief with leaves that contain the 36 names of the women who have served as president of the CWL.

A reception for the members and their families followed and people remembered good friends, good times and hard work.

CWL - Mike Malloy creator and Sandra O'Toole designer pose with plaque

Mike Malloy creator and Sandra O'Toole designer pose with plaque

CWL - Caption Gladys Fowler, CWL President, does readings

Gladys Fowler, CWL President, does readings

CWL - Valerie Collicutt and Pat Clancy were gift bearers

Valerie Collicutt and Pat Clancy were gift bearers

CWL - Father Devereaux blesses CWL banner and unveils plaque

Father Devereaux blesses CWL banner and unveils plaque

CWL - Greeters Jill Larocque and Sandra O'Toole greet Ruth O'Brien

Greeters Jill Larocque and Sandra O'Toole greet Ruth O'Brien

CWL Honours Years of Service
On Sunday October 4 2009 the parish CWL recognized those ladies with 40, 50 and 60 years of service. There was a celebratory Mass at noon and a reception in the hall for the ladies and their families. Each lady was presented with a corsage and after Mass each lady was introduced to the congregtion and each group (40, 50 and 60 years) had their photo taken. Also a photo was taken of the whole group.
40 Years CWL
40 Years Service
50 Years CWL
50 Years Service
60 Years CWL
60 Years Service
40, 50, 60 Years Service CWL
40, 50, & 60 Years Service

Executive 2008:

BR l-r: Diane Creeden: Past President, Anna Marie Bolin: President,
Leona Sheehan: Secretary, Fr. David West: Spiritual Advisor, Dolores O'Malley: Treasurer,
Jill Larocque: Chair, Membership, Valerie Collicutt, Spiritual Development.

Front Row: Eileen Balfour: Communications, Marg Caley: Parish Activities,
Dolly Kylie: Community life, Gladys Fowler: Education & Health,
Mary Pat Goodridge: Christian Family Life

Snowflake Bazaar Welcoming Team:
Anna Marie Bolin, Valerie Collicutt, Marg Caley

Colleen Peterson prepares Bazaar Craft Table.

June Potluck Blue Hat Ladies:

Mary Jo Doris, Rosie Wilson, Loretta Bolin,
Pat Crowley, Sandra O'Toole

Scrapbooking Lesson:

Ruth O'Brien, Noreen Malloy, Betty Brown

Christmas Lunch at Burnham Mansion:

Rose Wilson, Rene Hope, Gladys Fowler, Anne Coughlan

Past Presidents over the Years:

Valerie Collicutt, Kay Gravelle, Patricia Clancy, Velma Cybulski,
Diane Creeden, Jill Larocque